The Global Bridge Foundation

The Global Bridge Foundation’s Impact on Poverty Reduction, Work Opportunities, and Affordable Housing - GBF Blog

The Global Bridge Foundation’s Impact on Poverty Reduction, Work Opportunities, and Affordable Housing

We live in a time where there is no history to guide us through giving ourselves the best chance to be fulfilled individually, as a family, country, and world. Instead, it requires us to contemplate, inquire, communicate, and brainstorm both inside ourselves and with those close to us to support ourselves. Past generations in the Western world have generally been focused on themselves, their family, and their country.

The Global Bridge Foundation’s Impact on Poverty Reduction, Work Opportunities, and Affordable Housing Access the full episode . . .

Bringing Realistic Hope to the Homeless Crisis - Episode 73

Global Bridge Foundation: Bringing Realistic Hope to the Homeless Crisis – Episode 73

The Global Bridge Foundation wants to do its part to turn the history of mankind on its head. It is time for the wealthiest country to acknowledge the poor and give them work opportunities. We mustn’t keep seeing them in inaccurate stereotypes as unmotivated, but giving them a chance to contribute and use their potential. As revealed through micro-finance in the world, the poor are very motivated to work, they just haven’t been given realistic job opportunities.

Global Bridge Foundation: Bringing Realistic Hope to the Homeless Crisis – Episode 73 Access the full episode . . .

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