Blog Posts

International Agreements for World Survival - GBF Blog

International Agreements for World Survival

I say with great sorrow that I believe it is likely, that it might take a cataclysmic event that kills hundreds of millions of people before the world will feel threatened enough to realize that a fundamental change is needed in the way humanity is allowing weaponry, global warming, and poverty to be dealt with. A real difference that creates international rules and agreements for the world to have the best chance to not only survive but also thrive.

International Agreements for World Survival Access the full episode . . .

Our Planet in Distress, a Call to Action - GBF Blog

Our Planet in Distress, a Call to Action

Do you ever feel an intense urge, like a stirring volcano waiting to erupt, compelling you to connect with something greater than yourself? It’s a longing, an inspiration, a yearning to merge meaningfully that can transform feelings of emptiness and individual separation. We can experience this longing when we see and identify with our most meaningful characters and heroes on TV shows and movies.

Our Planet in Distress, a Call to Action Access the full episode . . .

Are False Parallel Narratives Responsible For Our Political Perils - GBF Blog

Are False Parallel Narratives Responsible For Our Political Perils?

Almost all of us unwittingly hear something different from the reality of what is meant. Sometimes this is because we are confusing the other person’s statements or ideology with ideas and feelings of our own. But unfortunately, both are often dominated by massive distortions of the facts or the truth due to our desires, ego defenses, fear, anger, or distrust. The impact our upbringing informs our narratives and perspectives.

Are False Parallel Narratives Responsible For Our Political Perils? Access the full episode . . .

Individual Focus on Global Survival - GBF Blog

Individual Focus on Global Survival

The quality of sensitivity has had multiple meanings through the years. In psychology (where sensitivity is perhaps most frequently focused on), it has generally meant that a sensitive person is capable of empathetically feeling both their pain and another’s in a way that shows caring and understanding. This first level of empathy is clearly a capacity that is a part of development that the world of psychology has highlighted as a feature.

Individual Focus on Global Survival Access the full episode . . .

How can we use our freedom to better our lives and others' - GBF Blog

How Can We Use Our Freedom to Better Our Lives and Others’?

In the United States and various other democracies, the word “freedom” has been so idealized that it gives no direction to what we need to do with said freedom. This is like telling a child to be free and not monitoring their behavior to see if they become excessively self-centered, destructive, addictive, etc. Freedom without balance has been one of the critical danger points missed and abused throughout history.

How Can We Use Our Freedom to Better Our Lives and Others’? Access the full episode . . .

Teaching RA Principles

The Global Bridge Foundation’s Initiatives: Homelessness, Regenerative Agriculture, and More

Giving money to the poor has always been seen as futile — a good percentage of us think the poor or the homeless don’t actually want to work. However, that’s not really true. When offered the opportunity, they can be the most motivated — especially when the work provided is a way to contribute to the world while allowing them to earn money and protect their families.

The Global Bridge Foundation’s Initiatives: Homelessness, Regenerative Agriculture, and More Access the full episode . . .

Developing Empathy and a Greater Capacity to Love and Be Loved - GBF Blog

Developing Empathy and a Greater Capacity to Love and Be Loved

How often do you temporarily let go of your own needs and see the world through the eyes and heart of being a citizen of the world? This would mean taking a vacation from yourself and realizing the benefits of being more inclusive of ‘the other’ and wanting to feel, need, and think more about how they are. This gives you the best chance to care for them. It also sets up optimal conditions for them to want to do the same for you.

Developing Empathy and a Greater Capacity to Love and Be Loved Access the full episode . . .

The Global Bridge Foundation’s Impact on Poverty Reduction, Work Opportunities, and Affordable Housing - GBF Blog

The Global Bridge Foundation’s Impact on Poverty Reduction, Work Opportunities, and Affordable Housing

We live in a time where there is no history to guide us through giving ourselves the best chance to be fulfilled individually, as a family, country, and world. Instead, it requires us to contemplate, inquire, communicate, and brainstorm both inside ourselves and with those close to us to support ourselves. Past generations in the Western world have generally been focused on themselves, their family, and their country.

The Global Bridge Foundation’s Impact on Poverty Reduction, Work Opportunities, and Affordable Housing Access the full episode . . .

Using Wealth Wisely Is the Shortest Path to Ensure World Peace and Survival - GBF Blog

Using Wealth Wisely Is the Shortest Path to Ensure World Peace and Survival

Throughout history, humankind has had a socially accepted blind spot that has fostered war, poverty, class division, and psychological imbalance. No matter the time period, the wealthy class of every powerful nation (that I have ever read about or seen), has aspired to increase its own wealth dominantly rather than give work opportunities to those most in need. In addition, very little of this wealth has been used to provide for the planet we live on by protecting natural resources and balance in nature.

Using Wealth Wisely Is the Shortest Path to Ensure World Peace and Survival Access the full episode . . .

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